"ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" error when …

Overview. You encounter the following errors when starting up Bizlogic (SBMBUS) on the EJB servers: [2/19/21 10:25:57:422 CST] 0000007c XARminst E WTRN0037W: The …

Khắc phục các sự cố trên thiết bị đồ họa có mã lỗi 43

Trong các trường hợp hiếm, một trình điều khiển cụ thể có thể tạm thời gây ra sự cố trên thiết bị của bạn. Trong trường hợp này, bạn có thể ngăn chặn trình điều khiển gặp sự cố tự động cài …

Problem with using GenericOEAdapter

While using 11.5.1 I ran into the problem I'm about to describe 2-3 times. We recently upgraded from 11.5.1 to 11.7.2. During the upgrade I got it for all GenericOEAdapters used, but we hoped it was an upgrade only thing.

Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: …

Resolution. To know the order of the classes being loaded in such scenario, as the class "com/savvion/sbm/bizlogic/util/BizLogicClientException" is already loaded, can use a …

BizLogic exception 814 while completing a Workstep

Try adding a Thread.sleep(timeInMilliSeconds) to the code that is used for completing the workstep. Also, check if the workstep isActivated. (Refer Savvion BizLogic …

Bizlogic client connections suspended error upon trying to …

Toggle SideBar. Progress Customer Community

[Progress Communities] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Forum …

While using 11.5.1 I ran into the problem I'm about to describe 2-3 times. We recently upgraded from 11.5.1 to 11.7.2. During the upgrade I got it for all...

How to get the list of instances using query service API?

Following is the snippet of Query service API. ==================== // *QueryService APIs * import com.tdiinc.userManager.*; import com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.client ...

Lỗi excel không lưu được, cách khắc phục thế nào?

Do máy tính bị virus xâm nhập. II. Cách khắc phục lỗi excel không lưu được file. Cách 1: Lưu file dưới dạng Save As. Cách 2: Thay đổi định dạng file. Cách 3: Lưu file excel vào một vị trí khác. Cách 4: Kiểm tra xem File Name có vượt quá kí tự hay không. Cách 5: Gỡ cài đặt những ...

Error Deploying a OE BPM process from PDSOE 11.3 to the …

The following article will help you. thanks

Problem occuring on Analytic Engine while executing …

I have defined a rule and specified a web service as action. Rule is violated and instance is created but web service is not get created. Following exception occurs m.dante.analysis.action.template.context.ActionContextImpl@11b6341 OPTIMIZE) [Analytic Engine v7.1.0.0.dante.analysis.action.WebServiceAction. sActionInvokeAction] 2007-11 …

[aspectj-dev] Using aspectj configuration file (aop.xml)

Hi, I want to achieve following testcase: Include server package & subpackages; exclude svo subpackage but include SVOFactory class in svo package for loadtime weaving.

Transaction related problem while using multiple resource

The stateless SessionBean is under container managed transaction. All the methods are having the attribute as "Required". Both dataSource and QueueConnectionFactory are of XA type.

Cách khắc phục máy tính hay bị sập nguồn liên tục

2. Cáp Lỏng. Một trong những nguyên nhân làm máy tính của bạn bị sập nguồn liên tục có thể là do cáp bên trong case máy tính được cắm vào bộ mạch chủ và các ổ bị lỏng. …

Error 'ORA-04030: Out of Process memory' in …

ORA-04030: Out of Process memory com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.util.BizLogicException: (1621):SQL Exception occurs in database transaction.; context (BLDAOService.handle …

Unable to consume the message sent via publish Mode of …

com.savvion.sbm.bizlogic.messaging.BLMessageException: (701) BizLogic can not process this message, as it is not …

OE Managed adapter class not found exceptions during …

Getting class not found exceptions when configuring OE Managed adapter from Progress Developer studio See attached zip file for screen shot and BizLogic log

_Stub: no delegate set problem in WebSphere 5.1

Hi, I am using WAS 5.1 with Oracle 9i and both in Windows 2000. We have an application which has few SessionBeans, MDBs and EntityBeans. We are running a performance test and calling few API's on a SessionBean from the client side. Now after running the test when we are trying to access a SessionBean from the client we are able to access and call methods on it.

Error while opening the task/Workitem in BPM Portal

Disclaimer. The origins of the information on this site may be internal or external to Progress Software Corporation ("Progress"). Progress Software Corporation makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information.

gây ra in English

Check 'gây ra' translations into English. Look through examples of gây ra translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. ... Một ví dụ cực đoan: dịch tả gây ra bởi vi khuẩn lớn lên từ đại dương. As an extreme example: the disease cholera is caused by a bacterium that thrives in the ocean. ted2019.

BizLogic server throws ORA-01591 exception

java.sql.SQLException: [savviondd][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01591: lock held by in-doubt distributed transaction.

How to get the list of instances using query service API?

Disclaimer. The origins of the information on this site may be internal or external to Progress Software Corporation ("Progress"). Progress Software Corporation makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information.

BizStore Server is stuck and not processing bizlogic event

Disclaimer. The origins of the information on this site may be internal or external to Progress Software Corporation ("Progress"). Progress Software Corporation makes all reasonable efforts to verify this information.

Bizlogic client connections suspended error upon trying to …

"The client connections to BizLogic Server are currently suspended" error occurring in bizlogic.log on login.

Chú Ý Những Lỗi Gia Công CNC Hay Gặp

Nếu không cẩn thận và xử lý chính xác thì có thể còn gây chập cháy nổ toàn hệ thống điện nhà xưởng và gây ra nguy hiểm cho tính mạng của con người. Cách khắc phục …

Error while completing the task: "can not be assigned in …

This state is inconsistent among Bizlogic and Bizsolo level. For example: Due to performance reason bizlogic workitem object is cached at bizsolo bean level and the workitem status that was changed at the application level(due to wi.assign() call, logic that was written by developer) is not propagated to the copy of workitem object which was ...

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